Tulsa Ergonomic Consultants Office Evaluations Can Benefit Your Employees & Save You Money.
Tulsa Ergonomic Consultants can evaluate your employees and their work stations to decrease or eliminate such injuries as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome caused by poor hand placement or pressure on the wrists from working on a hard surface. Thoracic outlet syndrome, back pain, and shoulder pain are caused by poor posture, either by reaching too far, rotating the trunk to read materials on a desk top, or holding a phone between your head and shoulder while working on the computer. Cubital Tunnel Syndrome can be the result of elbows resting on a hard surface causing pressure on the inside of the elbow. Tendonitis and Epicondylitis are two cumulative trauma disorders that can result from too much gripping such as using a stapler or gripping a computer mouse.
If you feel any of your employees are affected by these or other injuries and you want to lower your workman’s compensation costs, contact Tulsa Ergonomic Consultants.
Copyright 2014. Tulsa Ergonomic Consultants 2417 E. 53rd Street, Tulsa, OK 74105 (918) 712-8412